Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I join your Snapchat Premium?

All details in regards to my Snapchat Premium including what it entails, duration, expectation and rates can be found here.

Q: I want to send you a monetary gift - What can I use to send it your way?

At the moment I am able accept monetary gestures of love through UK bank transfer and e-gift cards.

Q: What are your social media handles?

  • Instagram

  • Twitter (I post all updates here including any changes. Please do follow me here to ensure you don’t miss out on anything!)

  • Personal Twitter

  • OnlyFans

  • Snapchat

  • Backup Snapchat (I would advise adding me here alongside my Snapchat handle above as I will be switching to that account soon)

  • Tumblr (Coming soon)

Q: Can I take you out on a date? I’ll pay for your time

Currently I am not doing meets for dates due to COVID. Otherwise, I only meet long term clients. If you are one of my long term clients and are interested in taking me out, get in touch and we can make that happen when possible. As it is a date, my rates will apply. Please see this page for more information on rates.

For safety and security purposes I will need your employment details, Linkedin and a form of ID to be emailed to me. Private information is confidential and disposed of after our date. I will update this page and post on my social medias for any changes. Do be sure to follow me as you do not want to miss out! My social media handles can all be found above or on my ‘contact me’ page.

Q: Non clients — Can I take you out on a date? I’ll pay for your time

I’m flattered at the sweet gesture though meeting clients in person is reserved for familiar faces built over months if not, a year.

Mutual privacy and safety is of upmost concern to me. I don’t spend time with clients in person who I haven’t built a safe, comfortable and compatible companionship with.

Q: What can I expect during our date?

I’m very much a loving and tactile girlfriend. I’m particular with who I spend time with, and enjoy connecting with suitors I truly enjoy being with. I’m the type of lady who asks questions. I enjoy truly connecting with you in a way that’s natural and organic. I want to forge a friendship, a level of comfort, and establish a mutual relationship that surpasses the confines of a bedroom.

I love to start my dates with a meal, or tea, see where our time takes us. My suitors agree that time spent behind closed doors is significanty more enjoyable once we’ve had a chance to break the ice, connect as people and let our guards down. I hope that as we continue to meet, our friendship grows and evolves as we do, leaving us both longing for the next encounter.

Q: Is Katya Jiya Begum your real name and where are you from?

Katya is a name that I love and is not my real name. Jiya is my daak nam (home name) and was given to me by one of my sasas (uncle). Begum is a very common female Bengali surname so I’ll let you play heads and tails on whether it’s true or not.

I grew up in London and Bristol. I don’t share personal details beyond my name and my city for privacy purposes.

Q: I’d like to join your premium snap but I’m blocked. I’m not sure why but I’d like to join your premium snap.

The best way to get blocked is by being disrespectful, saying inappropriate things & requesting for more information on my services and payment details and not following through.

Going forwards blocked users will be charged with a £5 fee for the inconvenience and then will be allowed to join Snapchat premium, so long as they don’t repeat the above